
Our business practices, 产品和服务有助于为世界各地的社区带来繁荣和经济价值.

Focused on the Greater Good

We operate with an unwavering commitment to integrity, honesty, 质量和相互尊重为我们的员工提供经济价值和持续繁荣, customers, partners and the communities where we work. We invest in the potential we see around us, and strive to make real, long-term differences that improve quality of life.



We understand that the way we do business, 规范自己的行为和处理程序,共同维护J.R. Simplot Company and its employees. Throughout our global organization, 我们不断努力将诚信融入我们业务的各个方面.

Code of Conduct

The Simplot Code of Conduct 作为指导,帮助我们所有的员工以最高水平的诚实和正直运作. 这包括追求高标准的公司治理, 在我们的全球业务中遵守所有适用的法律法规,并承诺遵守商业道德.

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Regulatory and Governance

我们遵守我们开展业务所在社区和国家的所有法律法规,包括公平贸易法, environmental protocols and import/export regulations. Likewise, we expect nothing less from the partners we work with, 需要对商业道德同样坚定不移的奉献, values, and integrity.

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Sustaining Agriculture Communities and Lands

For us, prosperity means much more than the bottom line. We’re focused on prosperity for our employees in the field, 世界各地为养活不断增长的人口做出贡献的农场和农业社区的合作伙伴. We celebrate you all and join you in that effort.


The J.R. Simplot Company is a top sponsor of the Idaho Climate-Economy Impacts Assessment, 一个研究气候变化对农业经济影响的研究项目, range and land use, forests, infrastructure, and other important aspects of Idaho’s economy. 我们的总部办公室——以及我们公司拥有的许多农场和牧场——都坐落在爱达荷州. By understanding these impacts in Idaho, 我们可以更好地帮助我们的种植者和生产商应对新出现的经济挑战,并在我们的业务范围内利用机遇, around the world.

Grow Better Potatoes for the Developing World

Simplot是美国国际开发署(USAID)赠款的技术合作伙伴,该赠款旨在向印度尼西亚和孟加拉国提供抗枯萎病马铃薯. As part of this grant, Simplot利用在世界各地具有晚疫病抗性的野生马铃薯品种中发现的基因,开发了格兰诺拉和Diamant马铃薯品种. Both countries are now planning confined field experiments. 因为生物工程马铃薯含有三种不同的抗枯萎病基因, 它们被认为是世界上所有马铃薯中对晚疫病最有力的保护, 一种类似真菌的病原体,每年造成约60亿美元的作物损失.


Serving Our Global Community for Over 25 Years

世界各地的许多社区都存在粮食不安全问题. In Australia, more than one in six adults and 1.2 million children go hungry each year. 自2011年以来一直与澳大利亚食品银行及其合作供应计划合作, Simplot has donated more than 2.5 million units of product to help combat hunger.

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